Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So I dont really have any stories on these, except yes we still are getting snow! So the boys still love to enjoy it when possible. And Griff loves to eat it, yup, anywhere it lies he will pick it up and indulge himself.

As for these, one evening I am preparing dinner and Ryder is crying and I look down and he got himself stuck over the wooden bar underneath the chair. I think he was trying to get his sippy cup. Anyway, it was a little funny so I snapped a few pictures.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ryder's 1st B-Day

So Ryder really didn't know what the heck to think of his big night. He was just like in awe, not really sure what to think of it all. He did like his new toys, and I think he liked the flame on his candle, ontop of his cake, the most of anything. One year olds are so sweet and innocent.

My baby's first year

So Ryder is about 3 days old in this one, I remember when Rich took these at the hospital, Ryder was laying in that portable crib thing, seems just like yesterday.

He was around two months in this one, his blessing day.Three months....Maybe five months here.... 7-1/2 months.