So Ryder really didn't know what the heck to think of his big night. He was just like in awe, not really sure what to think of it all. He did like his new toys, and I think he liked the flame on his candle, ontop of his cake, the most of anything. One year olds are so sweet and innocent.
My life stays busy with three little boys who occupy most of all my time. I love my job as a Mother and I would not trade it for all the money in the world. I adore all the men in my life and my Husband is extra busy with a Master's program, coaching, teaching, and running cows. I am amazed at how hard that man works! We just celebrated our 7 year anniversary, can you believe that? Noah is now 5, Griffin will turn 4 in Jan, and Ryder 2 in Feb. I love what we have become and I couldn't ask for more!
oh what a little stud, Happy B-day Ryder!!
how cute! love him in his colts hat!
Love the hat. He is so cute
Seriously he's 1 already! Didn't you just have him?! :)
He's a cutie and he looks so much like your other boys.. Happy late Birthday to your little man!
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